Retirement planning

Retirement planning

Types of retirement income, saving for retirement, how much money you will need and managing your finances.


Services and information

Determining how much money you need for retirement

How much money you need to retire, the impact of inflation on your retirement income and more.

Sources of retirement income

Public pensions, OAS, CPP, employer pensions, RRSPs and other sources of personal savings.

Tax deductions, credits and expenses

Claiming tax deductions, credits and expenses to reduce the amount of tax you must pay.

Public pensions

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS) pension and other income allowances and benefits.

Living and travelling abroad when you retire

The potential implications for your taxes, benefits and insurance when living abroad during your retirement.

Saving for retirement

When, why and how to start saving for your retirement and tips to help balance your financial priorities.

Working while collecting a pension

The impact of working during your retirement on your OAS, CPP or other pension income.

Housing options for seniors

Housing costs, options and choosing where to live when you retire.

Budgeting during retirement

Making and following a budget during your retirement years.


What annuities are, how they work, the different types and what to consider before buying one.

Turning your savings into retirement income

Where your income may come from, converting your RRSPs, what to consider and tax implications.

Employer-sponsored pension plans

Employer pension plan basics, group RRSPs, PRPPs, defined contribution and voluntary savings plans.

Comparing retirement savings options

Compare TFSAs, RRSPs and RDSPs and things to consider when taking money out of your retirement savings.

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